Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sounds like Hanukkah: Hebrew Prayer Inspires Get Tribal on RADIO GOD

“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." 

 RUAH: Breathe. 

"RUAH" is the second track on Radio God, a uniquely-sounding new album by Northern California based group, Get Tribal, led by Kari Hohne.  Just in time to set a unique tone for Hanukkah, this is Hebrew chant set in an MGM bible movie soundtrack tapestry, according to the album liner notes. 

Inspired by the prayer Shema Yisrael "Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai EḼad" – “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one."   The texture of this beautiful Hebrew chant comes alive within a dramatic orchestration of legato strings, piano and orchestral percussion, reminiscent of 1950’s MGM Bible movie soundtracks. On Radio God, each track echoes a cosmic radio call letter; with the RUAH channel, we learn the importance of breathing: it is the breath of life that connects us to Spirit (a word derived from the ancient word for "breath"). 

When life presents challenges, just breathe. Spirit understands what the mind cannot conceive. If you enjoyed Donnar from the group's first album, God of Drum, then you will love the cinematic energy of RUAH. Why do we pray to the Creator with such adoration? The Shema Yisrael prayer is similar to the So Purkh chant in that it reminds us that when we meditate purely on the greatness of God, our souls find comfort in this world. 

In that way, RUAH has the intention of renewing Faith. Let it be so in this holiday season.

Visit Get Tribal's website to hear more music, and enjoy this video montage of the full album: