Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Fiona's Brush-Stroke Reviews

A Stagey Bank Affair

concept album artwork carnival arun shenoy
This concept album offers impressive artwork and two 24-page booklets!

The first single: Sugar Free
A Stagey Bank Affair by Arun Shenoy & The Groove Project:  This album says 'funk!' From the first beat I was engaged and grooving in my seat. The arrangements are excellent and the performances are tight. The instrumentation takes you from funk to jazz, but with rock rhythms. Some great instrumental gymnastics from the flutist (Ravichandra Kulur) amongst other instrumentalists. All A grade players. In 'Art-speak' I'm likening it to a cross between Takashi Murakami (The Warhol of Japan), Leon Zernitsky (Great Jazz painter) but with traditional origins from Paul Gauguin. 

Great work and stunning presentation, the packaging is truly exceptional.
- Fiona Joy

Fiona Joy is an internationally-acclaimed pianist, composer, producer, singer and painter who enjoys reviewing the musical works of her contemporaries by drawing connections between their music and works of art. Visit her website for music, art, jewelry & more.